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forward exchange market中文是什么意思

用"forward exchange market"造句"forward exchange market"怎么读"forward exchange market" in a sentence


  • 期货汇兑市场
  • 期货汇兑市郴远期外汇市场
  • 外汇期货市场
  • 远期外汇市场


  • Market behaviour confirms this view . the one - year forward premium for the renminbi , imputed from the trends in the non - deliverable forward exchange market , has been falling quite markedly : from about 10 , 000 points at the beginning of september last year to around 3 , 000 now 1 , 000 points represent 10 cents in the exchange rate , see
    根据不交收远期外汇市场的走势,可见近期人民币1年远期合约的溢价已明显下降,由去年9月约10 , 000点,降至现时约3 , 000点汇率以1 , 000点代表10仙,见
用"forward exchange market"造句  


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